Oct 18, 2013

more blessed to give...

For the past few months I've been looking at this verse differently.   I had been struggling with just giving my life over to God.  I had been fighting myself, I was afraid to give over because I was afraid that I wouldn't get what I wanted... I thought my plans were the best for my life.  What I didn't realize was that my plans weren't going to work.  Even if my plans were the same as His, if I tried the plans my way, they wouldn't work.  No matter how close to God's plans mine were, I had to give my life over to him and let Him work it out.  And if God's plan weren't the same as mine they could only be better. But I didn't realize this, or, if I did, I didn't want to accept it.  

I needed to realize that "it is more blessed to give than to receive." I could only be blessed if I GAVE my life over to God -- then I could RECEIVE the gifts that He wanted to give me. 

As I was starting to realize that, I heard a sermon on the woman that touched the hem of Christ's garment for healing (Mark 5:25-34).  During the preaching I started wondering a little bit about her life after she was healed.  She had spent the previous twelve years spending away her life trying to find 'the cure'.  When she finally came to Christ, she was broke.  Absolutely broke.  She had nothing! And, of course, the preacher touched on that subject as his final point.  Picture the woman going home after she's been healed and walking into an absolutely empty house, if she even had a house at all.  I can imagine her saying to herself, "Lord, why didn't you heal me any sooner" and hearing a small voice whisper in response "who's fault is that".  If she had turned to Christ sooner she would still have her possessions.  I applied that to my own life... I needed to give my life over to God.  And the longer I waited, the higher the price I would have to pay. 

I combined those two thoughts. I realized that it would be better for me to GIVE my life over to God than to RECEIVE the things I want and have to go to God, empty, later on in life. I may or may not receive the things I had dreamed of, and hoped for, but whether I do or not doesn't matter.  What God has for me is far better than anything my mind could imagine.  It truly is more BLESSED to GIVE my life to God than it is to RECEIVE the things I want.


My name is Sarah Covey, I grew up in a christian home, and made a profession of faith when I was a little girl.  When I was 13 years old, I went to Northwoods Baptist Camp with a group from our church.  The guest preacher was Bro. Josh Jones from West Virginia. On Wednesday night Bro. Jones preached a powerful message on Hell. The Holy Spirit was convicting me during the invitation, but I put it off. Thursday night, during the invitation, Bro. Jones touched on the topic of Hell again, and the conviction came back.  God was giving me another opportunity.  That night I accepted Jesus as my Saviour.  Currently, I am tutoring and teaching piano lessons.  God has really shown Himself true in my life, especially this past year, and I can't wait to see what He has in store for me in the future.  You can keep up with current "happenings" at my blog: A Daughter of the King. 

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