Dec 13, 2013

|lovely links| vi. Christmas edition

I havent been online much lately- you could say I've taken an impromptu internet fast- but in just the last few minutes I've read more sweetness than my heart can hold! Here's some super good reads this month!

Here's a good reminder to simplify this holiday season from Kindred Grace, and Holley Gerth reminds us to laugh because Jesus is the reason we celebrate this season! THIS post on InCourage was awesome too! {breakfast for dinner sounds amazing!}

I've really been enjoying Erica Lea's photo a day for December... She's inspiring me to do the same{maybe someday}! :)

This post shares some interesting facts about some popular Christmas Carols!

Defense of Rest... wow. wow. wow. This post was so, so, so good!

Have a favorite read from this month? Share it in the links below and we just might feature it in our next lovely links post! =D

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