Jul 10, 2013

lovely links

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, 
be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14  

//// please understand that this blog does not necessarily agree with everything on the sites that are linked to in this post!

from Christopher's point of view =this is such a creative post! I love the gorgeous pictures and how they tell Christopher's story! the Shulls are a lovely missionary family that our church supports, and I would LOVE to go visit them someday{Im hoping and praying!!!}! :)

I DON'T WAIT ANYMORE. >this girl shares some really good thoughts about the wrong mindset girls have about waiting and singleness, and why she doesn't wear a purity ring anymore.

50 things to do this summer... ||this looks like a pretty fun list of random fun stuff to try this summer! I added some to my summer bucket list and am working on crossing some off! :)

Check out one of my all time favorite blogs Storia! Anna takes some lovely pictures{sometimes I justaleetlebitjealous} and writes so beautifully! And Her sister Michaela put together a wonderfully inspiring post about blogging over at another of my favorites> Rhapsody in PINK!

Bethany had a very inspiring and thoughtprovoking post too!  this is one post that I have bookmarked and will go back to read over and over again! I saw THIS post of Sarah's late one night when I needed some encouragement! And I just love Olivia's Blue dress> totally something I would wear!


  1. Thank you for sharing my link, Hannah! :) I'm tickled. Also, really good idea, sharing inspirational posts. I'll have to do that sometime. :) Blessings to you!

  2. Hannah,
    Thanks for sharing my link, and for the comment :) I would be honored to do a guest post. Is there a certain topic you would like me to do, and do you have a time you want it specifically? Just let me know!


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