Dec 25, 2013



Just a couple of thoughts on why we celebrate Christmas, and then I'll let you get back to family, fun, and fellowship [over lots of food, right? =)].

Reason 1: To celebrate the birth of Christ. On December 25, we celebrate God coming to earth as human. We have the nativity scenes, the Christmas pageants, and everything else this time of year to remind us of the angels, the manger, and the Baby born of a virgin.

Reason 2: To celebrate the life of Christ. His entire life on earth was spent giving of Himself to others. The gifts we give to others represent Christ's giving of Himself to humanity.

Reason 3: To celebrate the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. He was quite literally born to die. His whole purpose was to bring redemption to every person in the world.

Let's not forget that Jesus truly is the whole purpose for this most wonderful time of year!
(Jesus is the REASON for the SEASON)

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