Sep 23, 2013

10 thoughts to ponder...

The LORD is nigh unto them 
that are of a broken heart...
He healeth the broken in heart...
Psalms 41:9, 34:18, 147:3

1. Who I am is NOT dependent upon anyone else.

2. My relationship with God is independent of any other relationship.

3. My dedication to the Lord is independent of any other relationship.

4.  My sense of value is relative to my relationship with God.

5. God is all-powerful in all situations.

6. Whatever circumstances exist, my inner peace comes from God alone, and not from any other relationship.

7. God is a jealous God; He requires total dedication to Him independent of any other relationship.

8. God alone can bring real peace and happiness.

9. God alone can bring good spiritual health.

10. God alone can bring good mental health.

My worth is immeasureable to God for He created me; He knows me thoroughly; He loves me eternally.

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