Aug 7, 2013


Matthew 17:21—“Howbeit this KIND goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.”

I have often heard messages about having faith the size of a mustard seed and how that faith can move mountains, but I don't know that I have ever heard a message about kinds of faith. However, this passage states very clearly that the faith that moves mountains is a kind of faith. 

There is saving faith; there is mustard seed faith, and there are other kinds of faith. Saving faith is just that: the faith we need to get saved. Mustard seed faith goes beyond that and allows us to throw mountains into the ocean. 


By prayer and fasting. Not just one day, or three days in a row, but consistently. Once a week. Three times a month. Whatever you believe you need to do to get closer to God.

How do I transform my want into a willingness to do whatever it takes to get this faith?

By learning my Bible. The more I know God, the more I can trust him. Everything in the Christian life comes down to knowing God. If we know Him, we can trust Him, and it is our faith in Him that allows us to move mountains. It is not us that moves the mountain, it is God. We just have to
completely believe He will, with no doubts at all. 

So, what kind of faith do you have? Are you willing to do what it takes to get the faith of a mustard seed?

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