Sep 11, 2013

Do We Really Want Revival?

Hosea 10:12—“Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the Lord, till he come and rain righteousness upon you.”

At my college's revival this week, the preacher spoke from Hosea 14 about having revival. His message spoke to me so much that I read the entire book of Hosea for my devotions the next day. The latter part of the above verse screamed my name.

I prayed that night, telling the Lord that I would not quit searching until He gave me revival. The next day I read this verse. God showed me that what I prayed was exactly right. I am supposed to seek the Lord until He comes and rains righteousness on me. So often during revival meetings I depend upon the invitation prayer to solve my problems. It doesn't. I need to have a deep soul search, a hardcore longing, a desire deeper than anything I've ever had before. I need to read my Bible—every day. I need to meditate—every hour. I need to pray—constantly. I need to be so consumed with Christ that I have no room for anything else in my life. I need to be so focused on Him that I don't see anything or anyone else. I need to have a love for Him that is deeper, stronger, higher than anything else. I need to seek Him with my whole heart. I CAN'T QUIT!!!!! Not for anyone. Not for anything. I can't quit when I get a boyfriend. I can't quit when I begin realizing my dreams. I CAN'T QUIT!!!! I need to seek the Lord with my whole heart, soul, mind—with my ENTIRE being. I want revival in America. I need revival in my own life.

Do YOU want revival in America? Are you willing to do what it takes?

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