Aug 1, 2013

my love story// guest post

We are so very excited to share a guest post by Sarah Covey today!


I'd like for you all to meet someone. He is the handsomest man in the whole wide world, and is just PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!! He is one of the richest men alive, because of who his Father is.

The only problem is that I haven't met him either. You see, the reason I know all this about him is: I've met his father. It is said he owns the cattle on a thousand hills. 

This Father was there when I was born, He knew me better than anybody, and He also knew that He had someone very special for me. When I was born, He
said 'one of my sons is perfect for this young lady.'

Then one day about 2 1/2 years ago, I got to personally meet the Father. I was at a Youth Camp. It was right after the evening sermon. You see, He knew that I was a wandering orphan heading down the wrong path. He knew that I was in need of a loving Father, so He asked if He could adopt me into His family. I, having known about Him all my life, accepted his offer. I then wondered why I hadn't joined His family before. I knew that He had been offering it all along, but I wasn't ready to accept His offer; He also knew that. When I was born, He saw that day in the future, when I would finally accept His offer. That day I became siblings with the most wonderful man, on earth at least.

So, well I'm waiting for my new Father to show me who this man is, I'm just staying in my Father's will, and trusting Him. My Father's been preparing me all my life for this man, but trust me, I'm FAR from being ready for him. And my Father knows that. I'm not out looking for this man, I'm staying in my Father's 'castle.' One day He will bring this man into my life, and until then I'll just keep trusting Him.

Now I have a question for you: Do you know my Father, did you know that you are a lost orphan also? Did you know that He is offering to became your father? And if you trust in Him, you'll see His ultimate provisions also. If you aren't one of my Father's children, why don't you just accept His offer? If you would like to know more about becoming one of my Father's children, just ask me or one of the other girls  and we would be glad to explain it to you more. Here's one of the promises my Father gave me before I became one of His children:  "And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if
so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together."

I can tell you a couple of things for sure: 1) He is waiting with arms WIDE open, 2) This is one of the most important decisions you can make in your life, 3) Don't wait, if you just accept my Father's offer, you will have peace and joy like you've never experienced.

 What a blessing to know that my Father has known about me from the very beginning, He's known about my very special man, and He knows that we are
the only ones that will be perfect for one another. I'm glad that I can trust in my Father for my partner, and that I don't have to spend much time wondering:
"is this man right? Is it the right time?" All I have to do is ask my Father.


My name is Sarah Covey, I grew up in a christian home, and made a profession of faith when I was a little girl.  When I was 13 years old, I went to Northwoods Baptist Camp with a group from our church.  The guest preacher was Bro. Josh Jones from West Virginia. On Wednesday night Bro. Jones preached a powerful message on Hell. The Holy Spirit was convicting me during the invitation, but I put it off. Thursday night, during the invitation, Bro. Jones touched on the topic of Hell again, and the conviction came back.  God was giving me another opportunity.  That night I accepted Jesus as my Saviour.  Currently, I am tutoring and teaching piano lessons.  God has really shown Himself true in my life, especially this past year, and I can't wait to see what He has in store for me in the future.  You can keep up with current "happenings" at my blog: A Daughter of the King. 

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