Jul 4, 2013

Meet our Authors… + a giveaway!!!

I just want to say that I am super excited to be working on this project with such a wonderful group of ladies! It has been wonderful to see the Lord work and bring them each into my life at the perfect time! I could not have completed this project without them> and God knew that!
I'm going to share their “bio’s” as well as a little bit about how the Lord brought each of them into my life.

<3 Hannah Elizabeth

Hannah Elizabeth is a 2013 homeschool graduate. She lives at home with her family while striving to serve the Lord {and others} in any way she can! The Lord has given her a burden for young people <especially young ladies> and she has followed his leading to do something about that burden.
She is currently working on learning more about photography with the dream to someday own her own business. Hannah enjoys playing the piano and violin, rollerblading and biking, reading and writing, and doing any sort of crafty thing. She loves anything pink or blue, glitter, stripes, and is happiest when making people smile!
She strives to use her own mistake filled life to encourage others to make the right decisions and not take the same path she did. She is thankful that God can still use those mistakes in a positive way!
*The Lord led Hannah to start All Things Lovely in July of 2013 to encourage young ladies in their walk with God!

Read more about Hannah's live on her personal blog, Country Girl!

Kaylee Roberts is a music major at a Bible college in Kentucky. More often than not, you can find her sipping Starbucks coffee, cooking up something tasty in the kitchen, or playing something lively on the piano, all in between reading, writing, Pinteresting, and babysitting little sister (shown in picture). She adores all things sparkly, purple bath towels, cupcakes, white chocolate truffles, and making people smile. She is currently in a long-distance relationship with "thee most amazing guy on earth" {quoted}, and they recently celebrated their three year anniversary. Her goal in life is to be in the center of God's will; marry, graduate college, have a family, and serve the Lord along side her husband. 
    Although she has been raised in a Christian home, she has made a few mistakes along her journey of life. With much prayer, and God's grace however, she has been able to overcome these bumps in the road. It's with the experience of these mistakes, she seeks to point people to Jesus, and help other Christian girls realize how merciful and loving God is, and that, with His help, they can overcome the trials and mistakes of life, and be the best they can be for Him.
    Kaylee is co-conspirator and author at 
allthingslovely.com*. Through her life and her writing, she wishes to project Philippians 4:8 as a testimony to others that life in Him can be altogether lovely.  

Kaylee and I have been “best friends” for forever. Or actually just like 8 years of forever. We met the summer my family went to Florida.. We kept in contact through really long letters and texting and talking on the phone! Kaylee is always really bubbly and gives exactly the advice you need to hear! <3

Angela Stahl-

I'm a pastors wife and a homeschooling mom of 5. My husband and I have been married for nearly 20 years, since the age of 18. I was saved on April 13, 1995 at the age of 20, the Lord has done tremendous things in my life, making me a new creature in Him. Our family serves the Lord together at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, where my husband is the pastor.

*Mrs. Stahl also blogs over at Southern Ramblings

"Hi, my name is Hannah Stahl. I am a 17 year old young lady serving the Lord in Bay St. Louis, MS. I trusted Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour when I was 4 years old, and have been raised in church since birth. Our family serves at Emmanuel Baptist Church, where my Dad is the Pastor."

Hannah left a comment on my blog several months ago! I found her moms email through that comment, and sent a short email to her just saying how much I appreciated her comment! I was hoping she would reply, but I really wasn’t sure if she would, but Praise the LORD she did! Hannah and I have emailed since then, and we are looking forward to meeting each other in person in just a few weeks!

Brianna Davis
I was born in Washington state, but I grew up in Michigan. My family moved a lot; by the time I was thirteen, I had lived in thirteen different houses. Eventually, right before Christmas of my seventh grade year, we moved into a house in Greenville and stayed there for a few years. Two weeks before my senior year of high school, my dad got a job out in Washington state, so we packed up our house and moved out there, where, after only three weeks, we left to spend six months in Virginia. We then moved back to Washington, although there was slight confusion as to whether we would live in Virginia or Washington. I have now been living in Washington state for just over a year, with a short break to go to college down in Florida.
I, above all else, love to read. I read mostly fiction, but I do also read nonfiction. Some of my all-time favorites are the classics, but I also enjoy discovering new up-and-coming authors. My favorite book is The Mark of Zorro by Johntson McCulley. Although I would rather read than do anything else, I also sometimes enjoy doing arts and crafts, such as sewing and crocheting. I love to cook and bake, especially when I can try my hand at something new in the kitchen. I am one of the weirdos that happen to love school and thoroughly enjoy learning. I am happiest when I am busiest, usually doing something I love, but there always comes a point when I have so little to do that I do not care what I work at; I just want to have something profitable to do! I was saved at the age of five, and got reassurance of my salvation at the age of thirteen. I am a member of and faithfully attend Faith Baptist Church in Tacoma, Washington. Anyway, that's a brief profile of me, and I hope I gave you enough information that you feel you know me semi-well. See you soon!

I met Brianna almost 10 years ago now. We have a mutual friend, who just happened to be “babysitting” her and her siblings, and brought them to something at church… A few years later I got her address from her{she wrote it on a page she ripped out of the book she *just happened* to have with her! ;-P} at that same mutual friends graduation, and we wrote sparsely for a few years… we would see each other in the store, or at the library occasionally> then came email… Its really only been over the last year and a half that we have really gotten to know each other… Brianna is a friend I treasure very much! <3 She always tries to get you to see everything from a different perspective and she Always pushes you to do what you might be too nervous to!

 I am Lynn Marie Crane (Eulian), born and raised in the mountains of Massachusetts. I spent most of my younger years engrossed in athletics, loving school and enjoying playing around in the fresh country air.  There was never a dull moment.  I have always believed that life is a precious gift from God, meant to be whole heartedly lived.  After graduating from Wahconah Regional High School in 1987 I completed a Bible degree and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Elementary Education.  In May of 1992, shortly before finishing my college education, I became the wife of Ken Crane.   Currently I am filling the role as Mrs. Ken Crane and mother of four ambitious children in the State of Michigan.  Daily life for me consists of keeping up with my husband, a teacher and coach in the middle school, and my four children ages 18 years, 17years, 16years and 18months.  I enjoy making sure that my 18 month old not getting into too much trouble as curious “ Sam” as he keeps me smiling with his new accomplishments, and sticking my nose is into the lives of  my older three children. Each one of them blesses my life with giggles, tears, and those “I never knew that” moments.  In the midst of such a busy life, my love of the outdoors helps me to appreciate an occasional few minutes resting on the couch listening to the sounds of the birds and crickets outside my window while breathing in the fresh breeze.  I am not sure whether I will have more or less time to enjoy those sounds with three high school graduates and an 18 month old all establishing  themselves in this world.  My husband and I love riding our bikes after dinner most nights.  It is a refreshing time of exercise and chatting on the bike trail for Ken, Sammy and I.  Another thing that I enjoy as a big part of my life is music. Listening to cd’s, my children playing their instruments or spending time playing piano or flute encourage my soul. I hope to be able to share my love of music with others as I strive to establish myself as a piano and flute teacher, giving private lessons in my area.   Some share their -“bucket list”- I think of it as my list of goals and dreams.  It is never too late to learn something new or add memorable experiences that will help us grow as a person.  Publishing women’s devotional books and children’s books; advancing my painting skills; and making my Spanish skills useful enough to help others are all included on my list. 

So… My mom I have known for absolutely all of my existence! J My mama is my  bestest friend ever. She always gives me good advice and encourages me to do what GOD wants, not what she or anyone else is trying to convince me of!

Hi! My name is Gabrielle Joy. I am a 16 year old homeschool graduate. I Love baking, sewing, reading, Bible studying, hanging out with friends, and outdoor sports. My favorite sport is Football(but I don’t play too often because the guys don’t often let us girls play....), and I also love Ultimate frisbee! My favorite color is Yellow, or anything bright. Spring is my favorite season, and I enjoy gardening. Two to three weeks out of the summer I work as a corn detasseler for DuPont Pioneer, and it has been wonderful to have friends and siblings to work alongside as a group. The Lord has blessed me with many opportunities to serve, and I am very thankful! He has blessed me with the opportunity to be a nursery Sunday school teacher for the Spanish ministry, help prepare, pack and send out gospel literature, be in several parades on our church float, and several other small ministries. I hope to Lordwilling be able to go on a missions trip in the near future, if he wills.

Thanks for stopping by to read! =)

My little sissy is the awesomest sister ever! Yes, sometimes we have our sisterly quarrels and pretend we hate each other for a little while, but my sister is always there for me!

///whatsoever is beautiful giveaway!!!

We’re going to do this a little differently from the last giveaway… >please read carefully!<

***Please make separate comments for each entry!

1. Leave a comment telling us your favorite way to celebrate the 4th! {Required!}
2. Follow our blog!
3. Like our facebook page!
4. Share this giveaway on Facebook{and/or twitter/g+/your blog} >leave a link in your comment.
5. Follow our pinterest board
6. Repin our giveaway pin!

So… that’s a total of 9 possible entries!!! 


  1. Brianna: Do you happen to know a lady named Colleen Saxton? She is a friend of mine (we got to church together) and a while back she was telling me about a family she used to babysit in Greenville. A week or so later, I started thinking about Hannah, and wondering if Colleen knew her family. I asked her about it, and she said that she babysat a girl named Brianna Davis (she mentioned another girl's name as well, maybe a sister?). Anyway, it's just something that's gotten my curiosity going :)
    For the giveaway:
    1) My favorite way to spend the Fourth of July is at my house with friends and family from church, with a bonfire and watching the fireworks!
    2) I follow your blog
    5-6) I follow your pinterest board and repinned the pin :)

    1. Yes, I do! I haven't seen her in a few years, but I remember her fondly! Her mom and mine were close friends, so she and her sister often babysat me. Haha, it's a small world!

  2. I love watching fireworks!! :)

  3. I love watching fireworks and spending time with my family. Did I mention homemade ice-cream?

  4. i love celebrating with friends and fireworks!


Hello! Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment! We hope that this blog has been a blessing to you! Come back soon! =D